"If I had only one thing to tell the world,it would be to love.
Blessed are those who understand what miracles love can accomplish, for it is the power of love that makes all dreams a reality."
---Music Composer/Perfomer Medhi

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Shopping and crowds UGH

Now I KNOW for many of you shopping is so much fun and for me it used to be. These days it is a chore due to pain issues for me but I HAD to go shopping for something to wear to my niece's upcoming wedding! Now mind you I have not bought a new dress in over 5 years as I just don't get to go to things much as physically I cannot manage alot of places and others I get hit with panic attacks in crowds so I just tend to avoid them. I never had panic attacks until I became ill back in Sept. 2001 and didn't even realize that is what I was having but that is what they are. Most of the time they are manageable and I can tell when one is coming and just get myself outside to a quiet spot til it passes. My dh bless him can tell now when one is coming on just by the look on my face so he will steer me out of the crowded areas sometimes before I even realize it. For me this has been difficult to accept as I was always a people person and loved going places and nothing would phase me but nowadays ugh! I don't to to walmart til after 10pm at night(they are open 24 hours)just so I don't have to deal with alot of people "crowding" my space--I rarely go to weddings or to shows or even malls because of it. I don't think I knew how bad it can be for people who have it happen all the time no matter what until I started getting them sporadically and my heart sure goes out to anyone who suffers from it constantly!I think mine came on as a result of being in fear of getting jostled around when my back and neck and leg hurt as much as they do as so there just seems to be too many people who are pushy and shovy and hurry hurry and don't notice that maybe one person cannot seem to manuver fast like they do. After getting knocked into shelves and clothing racks one too many times I guess my brain said enough was enough lol. It helps now that I have the use of the electric scooters at places like walmart and the mall and even two of the grocery stores but I still have to stay outta crowds or I feel that closed in feeling coming on. At any rate I really digressed lol now where was I? Oh yeah shopping..well I ended up going to 6 places and let me tell you I felt great when I left this morning at 9am but by the time I got home at 3pm I was totally exhausted, disgusted and depressed! The styles were either for young chicks (with great figures) or granny goodwitch (who has boobs to her knees and no waist and huge butt) no matter which store I was in. AND finding something AFFORDABLE to add to the mix! I did finally settle on one that seems to fit other than the length (I am vertically challenged shall we say lol so everything is too long on me). I show it to dh and he just makes a face and says ok. SO WHAT DOES THIS TELL ME? I am going back to the drawing board sigh. I wasn't really sure on it and seeing his face I definitely am taking it back. I HATE SHOPPING I HATE SHOPPING I HATE SHOPPING!