"If I had only one thing to tell the world,it would be to love.
Blessed are those who understand what miracles love can accomplish, for it is the power of love that makes all dreams a reality."
---Music Composer/Perfomer Medhi

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Here's a couple I did from the wedding over Mother's day. The one is Bec and Joey's Invitation which I scanned then did a digital layout of using Bannerwoman's kit from Digitals:-).

The second is from the rehersal party the nite before held at a friend of my sister's and was a Mexican themed party complete with pinata and all the fixings. They had a blast. I was so wiped out from the trip I didn't get to go as it was just too much for me but loved seeing all the photos! Used Cristina Blomberg's Hot Pepper kit also from Digitals.