"If I had only one thing to tell the world,it would be to love.
Blessed are those who understand what miracles love can accomplish, for it is the power of love that makes all dreams a reality."
---Music Composer/Perfomer Medhi

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Just Saturday ramblings

I went to my first chat at 3S today for addicts lol. Love the chat room setup there..was so easy and fast to use! It will be a pleasure to work with the staff there as well and they have made such a wonderful effort to make me feel welcome! Thank you ladies!

Dinner last nite was great..ate way too much but was a nice evening for dh and I as our 36th anniversary is this week. Sometimes I really didn't think we would be here as the trials and tribulations of being married all these years really took a toll on us both at some points. Since my illness we have reestablished a life together as we are around each other now lol. I know God never gives us more than HE thinks we can handle but dang I wish I had as much faith in me as HE does! Not sure what HE has in store for us as a couple or for me with all the health problems I seem to have had dumped on me since 2001 but somehow dh and I worked our way back to a place in each other's lives so guess its never too late. I don't say it's perfect..lord knows on my bad days I know I am hard to be around as when you are in constant pain you tend to be shall we say touchy lol. But all in all it's worked out so far so just have to keep on plugging along.

Will be keeping our precious Scarlett on Weds again :-) She is such a blessing!

I miss our Livy but she has called from NZ a few times and have a package about ready to send her in the mail. She's only been gone a few weeks but seems so much longer.

I am wishing so hard that I had the energy to spend more time with all my was something that was taken from me with the illnesses and I miss it so much! They are older now and I know they understand but I hate having them here and then the morphine kicks in and I just have to lay down and sleep or get deathly ill. That's no way for them to have to remember me!

Cody started training for football. Its so hard to think he will offically be a teenager this year! My sweet red headed grandson where did you grow up so fast? Time has flown by so fast! He's so grownup in so many ways and his Nana wants to keep him little and safe from all that goes on these days! He's so bright and handsome it worries me lol. bless him keeps telling me Nana I will never be tired of being with you no matter how old I get! He's such a good kid for me at least ..hes smart too but sure wish he used his head more at school lol.

Caitie..sweet lil one..she is so tiny and petite but she sure knows how to make sure she is not lost in the shuffle lol. She is so beautiful when I look at that sweet face and her mommy's dimples! More like 18 than 7 sometimes hahaha!

and our Emmy---no lil girl should have to put up with some of what she does. She is smart and beautiful yet her mom does not see all those things and she is on the backburner of her mom's life. Jim and Trace spent hours last week doing homework her that her mom should have helped her with and in the process found notes about money due for lunches and overdue for her latchkey program. I just wish her mother would let her stay with her daddy and Tracey during the school week. They both love her and can and will take the time with her that her mom does not or chooses not to. Tracey is a wonderful stepmother to her and loves her..shes been around her since she was born at many points. Em should not feel like she has to not say things to her dad and tracey..she is a little girl and her mom seems to think she can just fend for herself. I know part of it is that her mom's mom was not too hot of a mother so she had nobody to learn from but motherhood is sposed to be joyful and loving and Em sure does not get that from her mother.

Yeah ok i am on a poor me mode sorry about that but if I can't vent here once in awhile well then what good is it lol. Its a diary of sorts sometimes yes! Mostly for scrapping but sometimes other things kinda make me off track sorry about that!