"If I had only one thing to tell the world,it would be to love.
Blessed are those who understand what miracles love can accomplish, for it is the power of love that makes all dreams a reality."
---Music Composer/Perfomer Medhi

Thursday, March 09, 2006


Not a bad week..I am happy to say I have been accepted as a designer at 3 Scrapateers! Going thru the interview process I have to say that Linda has given me some wonderful ideas and constructive critical views of my work! I want to thank her for her patience with my comments back as I know sometimes these meds make me babble! Some things I had thought of but had been unable to address til recently when I gifted myself with PSCS and upgraded from psp 7 to psp X. PSP 7 had been my first love and I was so hanging on to it but have found it really was not the best for scrapping tho back when I started it did just fine. The advantages of the other two far outweigh my reluctance to change! I really do love PSCS2 tremendously and while it has a learning curve I KNOW I CAN DO THIS! Have found some wonderful tutorials and just playing with the buttons is helping me get a handle on what it does. I highly recommend the tuts at 3S and also would urge anyone to join Tandika's site for hers as from what I understand they are well worth the yearly membership fee. I know just from the downloads she shares and the info I do read there they are awsome!

On a sad note my dear friend Firewolf's kitty Whisper has lost her battle with life and passed on the pet heaven this morning. I know wolf is so devastated by her loss as she has taken care of whisper since she was a teeny tiny lil thing that nobody gave a chance to survive. My heart is with her over across the pond and my friend please know that I love you dearly and wish I had the words of comfort to sustain you. Whisper loved you and knew you loved her and your kindness love and gentleness with her shall always be a part of her memory. May she rest peacefully and happily move among her critter friends now with no pain and no disability.