I know I said end of discussion on the
DSD issue but right now I am stewing and brewing and believe me
I am enough of a redhead at heart I can get pretty boiled and I AM!
***DISCLAIMER***This is my personal opinion, I have the right to express it, state it, rehash it in anyway shape or form I choose. You can choose to disagree and I encourage you to do so however that doesn't mean you're gonna change my mind. Thanks...and have a GREAT day!****(BORROWED DISCLAIMER FROM ROSE FARBER!)
I am sorry but enough is enough...Tandika has a right to be protective of her work YES but I also have the right as a PAID subscriber to have what I paid for originally!!! For someone who continually preached about professionalism in this industry she has totally done an about face. I doubt she really gives a rats patoot what I think let alone what the other subscribers think but I have to let off steam and its gonna be here! Part of me wants to resort to the name calling trust me! I am so angry right about now I cannot even type right!
I got the email from her saying it was open and one month had been added to my subscription. WELL GOODY GUMDROPS...one month for what? I cannot save the tuts to work on them at my own time..not everyone has the moolah she apparently has and my computer cannot handle keeping all those screens open and run PSCS at the same time! NOR does my health allow me to sit continuously while working on tut only to find her site logged me out for staying on one page too long...DUH..I am slow..I type slow..I have RA and Lupus I am NOT FAST duhhhhhhh. I understand her need for security but its gone overboard when you have one small paragraph per page on a tut that you cannot print out, screenshot or copy to use on your own personal time and personal computer. That 35.00 we each paid is pretty substantial when you add it up and to some of us like me it's alot of money. I had to save for months and put off joining because of the cost and finally did but I expected my year's worth out of it. ONE YEAR was my terms of use when I subscribed and ONE YEAR it should have been ---changing your tou suddenly when everyone started filing complaints with the BBB and PP does not change what you agreed to in the first place as you so many times stated, preached and posted not only in your own forums but other places as well!
There were many more honest faithful loyal upstanding members/subscribers to her site than bad apples so why is it that the good ones have to suffer the consequences of the rotten apples? We are battling those people too Tandika..you are not the only one suffering from their actions...many of us have had and will continue to have problems with because they do what they do no matter how much we fight them!
And let me tell you something else...logging our IP address on the site is hunky dory but do you not know that IP addresses change ..that when cable users or even dialup users have not logged on or had their computers on their IP addresses change? What good it is doing you is beyond me but hey if you have been advised it will help then I have no problem with it..just seems a bit over the top in my opinion.
My issue is NOT with the closing of the site..it is with HOW IT WAS HANDLED! How it is still being handled! I learn alot from any tutorial not just hers but she did have them in a manner that was effective for any of us wanting to make a go of it in the digi scrapping industry. HOWEVER the way she spoke to some people has often rubbed me wrong but I bit my lip many times figuring she is who she is and maybe she didn't mean it to be snarky. However I truly believe now she is a first class snob sorry but that's the only way I know how to put it. Because she knew alot and shared it with so many she apparently feels no loyalty or obligation to treat others in a fair and decent manner. Talking down to subscribers and loyal customers does not make you any better than the rest of us..you still have put your panties on one leg at a time same as we do! Where are the apologies to the faithful members? I kept hoping to get even a "We apologize for any inconvenience" letter but heck we don't even rate that! Sorry ..to me she is acting like plain trash and I call it as I see it. I rarely get this mad as know it is not healthy for me to but I am just seeing red at the moment. My faith in people is often tested but this one really cuts deep..I respected her, trusted her and admired her at one time. I am wondering why now!
Agree or disagree it's your option but I feel what I feel and I needed to say it. It's my blog and it's how I feel!