"If I had only one thing to tell the world,it would be to love.
Blessed are those who understand what miracles love can accomplish, for it is the power of love that makes all dreams a reality."
---Music Composer/Perfomer Medhi

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I was watching ELLEN this morning and she got such a cute gift from the one guest (can't remember her name at the moment sorry) was a bow and arrow that shoots minature marshmellows!!! It's called a Bow and Mallow and each pull of the bow string hurls mini-marshmallows up to 30 feet! Ellen was having a blast with it!

All I can think of is sister dear Marsi! When I was laid up with a shattered ankle back in 1992 I was confined to the sofabed and wheelchair for several months and my dh and dd would get into fights over how to do the dishes or who was going to do what...Sister dear showed up one afternoon and gave me a pingpong ball gun to shoot them both when they had me upset..needless to say I TOTALLY enjoyed using it and it did stop them from fighting lol. The bow and arrow one would have been great too!
Thanks sis again for thinking of me when they drove me batty!! Mwahhhhhhhhh!


Marsi said...

That is TOO funny sister dear. If I had known about the marshmallow bow I would have gotten that for you. I've thought of that often and wished I had one of those guns to use on some of my co-workers!

Don'cha love Ellen. She is too funny!

K2 Designs said...

Ohhhh a new playtoy! We have made the marshmellow guns but haven't seen the bow one! COOOOOOOOL!!! Each new yrs we get with friends and the guys always have new yr we did potato guns- you stick the end of the gun into a raw potato and it fires tater pellets..FUN! Next yr we did the marshmellow guns.Such fun!