"If I had only one thing to tell the world,it would be to love.
Blessed are those who understand what miracles love can accomplish, for it is the power of love that makes all dreams a reality."
---Music Composer/Perfomer Medhi

Monday, July 28, 2008


In case you hadn't noticed I really have been in a bad slump for inspiration and ideas. I went traveling the past few days checking out sites and blogs and so forth and happened across a designer and site I had not seen before and totally fell in love with their site--tis called Weeds and Wildflowers. I loved the offerings of the designers there and think they gave me a "oomph" in the if i can make myself sit and draw lol. I have been playing more with my wacom and since it's been sitting here gathering dust it's about time I just bit the bullet and learn how to use the blasted thing! Doesn't do me any good to have spent that much money on a "toy" I have only used a couple of times since I got it! I should have my son come learn with me as he is the artist of the family..he does such beautiful freehand work and now is doing tattoo work and I am just sit and oooooooo and ahhhhh when I see how easily it comes to him! Two of his girls so far love to sit and draw for hours on end as well so hopefully it keeps on going in the family! Then I came across a few bloggers that I had not seen before either and one in particular I ended up spending half the night reading all her past posts and laughing sometimes so hard I about pmp! ROTFL. She also does some super QP's for free and of course I had to grab those too and that led me to another blogger who does only QP's for free and spent a few hours there as well..NOW maybe I will get more scrapping done yes? Check them out in the side bar for blogs I visit..they are WMP and Bubbles Babbles.

We had a big ole turkey dinner with the trimmings down at my son's yesterday and it was YUM! I get so hungry for it at other times of the year other than Thanksgiving and Christmas so it was a lovely change. Tracey did it in the roaster so at least it did not heat up their home too badly but the humidity here was really bad and by the time I got home i felt like i had been under a shower for days I was that drenched! I dunno sometimes what is worse..heat or cold with this lupus! Both really bother me and make my skin awfullllllllllllll!

Woke up to a nasty thunderstorm half way thru the night and my left ankle feeling like it did when i first broke it back in 1991! It's so swollen up it looks like an elephant foot at times and trust me that is NOT a pretty site! UGH!...Don't get old and break your bones folks lol !

Hmmm thinking ...yeah me thinking that is scary isn't it? DH is making me crazy..he's been off work now since Feb and the dr told him Weds it will be after labor day now before he can go back to work! He is no spring chicken and just is not healing fast since his surgery. Mind you I love the man and would miss him if he wasn't here but having him underfoot 24/7 can make me totally nuts! I finally got so mad this week I told him either he finds a hobby or gets out of the house more or I will go stay with one of the kids for a few weeks just to have some peace and quiet lol...Fat chance of that happening there but you get the drift! Every time I am into something design wise he manages to come up and want me to look up stuff on the computer for him. I keep saying he needs to learn how to use a computer and would hook up the old one to the internet for him in the spare bedroom but he doesn't seem to want to. Think my son may talk him into it so at least that part he would keep busy doing something else instead of standing over my shoulder! That's another side effect of the dang Lupus..I cannot stand it when anyone is hovering or to be in a crowded place even on the interstate highway i freak when cars and trucks have me "penned" in. I can't control it and I can't explain it --it just happens. One of the meds I take now helps some but for someone who was always a people person and who used to travel for work it's really is an odd way to feel trust me!

OK i really have babbled tonight errr this morning haven't I! Hope everyone out there is well!

Dunno if anyone even reads me anymore but hey at least i am trying to blog a bit more often than I had been!
Hugs all arround to those who need it!


Anonymous said...

Sure, we read you.

Cecile, Milwaukee Wisconsin