"If I had only one thing to tell the world,it would be to love.
Blessed are those who understand what miracles love can accomplish, for it is the power of love that makes all dreams a reality."
---Music Composer/Perfomer Medhi

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Rearing it's ugly head

It seems as tho my Lupus is trying to rear it's ugly head lately. I now have a red spotty blood blister dotty rash all over my trunk's not itchy but just looks crappy and I am none too happy! I keep getting the dang white raised itchy dots on the top of my feet and ankles and now they show up from time to time on my legs.THEY drive me crazy itching but then are gone just as fast as they started and nobody can tell me what they are or why it happens! It does seem to go hand in hand with the swelling but dangggggggggggg.....
I have had alot more stress of late so that can trigger it I kknow and the sun in the summer is a no no for me much as I love it. My fatigue level is at a high and my RLS is gone haywire as well let alone the RA and OA and DDD and DJD. THis is a time of my life I SHOULD be enjoying it and instead I feel like I am 90 so many days. It goes in spurts and was feeling so good there for a few weeks but with roy's mini stroke, missy's continuous trips to the hospital, worry over one grandchild in particular and money issues I don't think my body has had time to destress at all. I KNOW I am sposed to lay down and nap when I feel the least bit tired---that my body will tell me what I need to do according to my wonderful rheumatoidologist but just how does one make the rest of one's family and friends understand that we are not being mean and selfish..its what we have to do to make it thru just the day? SOrry guess I am having the poor me's tonite as am just feeling so totally fatigued and drained. Forgive the old lady in me lol just needed to yabber it out I spose.
Think I just need to hit my bed and hopefully things will be better in the morning.