"If I had only one thing to tell the world,it would be to love.
Blessed are those who understand what miracles love can accomplish, for it is the power of love that makes all dreams a reality."
---Music Composer/Perfomer Medhi

Friday, March 24, 2006

Great kit at 3 Scrapateers

Eve Rencilla has an adoreable kit called Princess Prissy Pants over at 3 Scrapateers and I just HAD to use it for a layout of Scarlett! It has soooooooooo many things to mix and match in purples, pinks and a splash of avacado with crowns, a magic wand ,beautiful gem centered flowers plus a full "stamp" alpha in the purple and pink mix and charms with numbers as well as tags and ribbons and so much moreeeeeeeeeee! I can see I will be using this one more for the other girls too! Go check it out over at 3S! The link is to the right!