"If I had only one thing to tell the world,it would be to love.
Blessed are those who understand what miracles love can accomplish, for it is the power of love that makes all dreams a reality."
---Music Composer/Perfomer Medhi

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Another Day and Challenge Starting

I told you life is never dull! I got a phone call and my db's f-i-l passed away suddenly with an anuerysm :-(. They had just gone to Hawaii on Sunday for a much needed vacation so I feel doubley bad for them. His "significant other" is a wonderful person we all love dearly and know this is a terrible loss for them both.

On another note Cody's big night ( Football game under the lights :-)) was cancelled last night due to a nasty lightening and thunderstorm that blew thru here. He was so disappointed as it was the only night game they play this season but they are trying to reschedule it this weekend either sat or sun night if possible so the team still gets that chance. It's funny how such a "small" thing like a night game can make a difference to these youngsters but it does! I think I can vaguely remember that lol. We played all afternoon games at my high school so it was a rare treat for us as well to have a night game back then as many stadiums did not have lights. When ds played in Michigan we had a huge mess of fundraisers just so the high school could put in lights to play night games.

There is just something about a crisp fall night game as opposed to an afternoon game for some reason!

I did up a two page layout of my darlin redheaded gs :-) in all his glory so here's a peek at it ..enjoy!

Credits are all mine cept for his name on page 1 ..that is Letterman Alpha by my buddy Ronnie McCray whose DT I am on. SHE ROCKS! She's on loa right now from designing as she has a beautiful brand new baby boy to enjoy and that sure does take priority over anything else naturally. He is a doll baby from the pics I have seen! Congrats again dear Ronnie!

On Page 2 it is actually a background I made for my Football Fever kit at Digitals ..I colorized it with Koyoto Color to go with his school colors as I did with Ronnie's Alpha as well. It made up a neat journaling page in my opinion as used the field lines as my paper. Just a spur of the moment idea I kinda like actually lol.

Had a marvelous checkup today so that part is good. I saw my pulmonary specialist and he was very happy with my tests and heart sounds so hey that's a good thing. AND I lost over 20 lbs so that is definite happy happy joy joy! I knew I had been losing it as had that dang stomach bug for two weeks on top of dieting so I was happy with that announcement from him as was he lol. He put me on another med this time tho for my allergies as the fall seems to really drive me nuts with sneezing fits and so far so good. I used it when I got home this afteroon and so far I can still actually breathe tonite without being stuffy! GO FLONASE lol.

Tomorrow starts my challenge hosting at 3 Scrapateers. It's called Remember When with Jo. Each Friday I will be posting a challenge to remember things either from your past or your ancestors past in a page. It won't necessarily require any pictures but journaling is a must so it may prove interesting I hope! I would love to see both photos and journaling but am leaving it up to those who choose to participate. Haven't finished a bonus to hand out yet as not sure what it will be but I promise ya will get some freebie of some type from someone lol. Maybe me, maybe another designer who knows. Be surprised haha.

well I rambled as much as I can for one time so have a wonderful weekend all!
Hugs and blessings