"If I had only one thing to tell the world,it would be to love.
Blessed are those who understand what miracles love can accomplish, for it is the power of love that makes all dreams a reality."
---Music Composer/Perfomer Medhi

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Candles and Bears Oh My!

The two things I collect are stuffed bears and candles of any type but the little tarts are a definite favorite. Yes I am a dedicated member of Gina Miller's Tart Fan club lol. My daughter just gave me my first REAL tart warmer from Home and Garden Parties with an apple design on it and I just love it. Along with it she gave me some apple cinnamon scent tarts with a wee heart cut out in the middle and it smells so good! I have candles in every room in the house with scents from blueberry and black raspberry to lemon and peach and everything in between. I am not big on floral scents mostly due to floral allergies so its usually food scents imagine that lol. We have a new candle/primitives store in our mall that when I do manage to get out I love to just go in and wander as my electric chair fits in the place yay! She has some awsome sugared candles in there and some other great items I could spend spend spend ..have been bugging her to let me do some online stuff for her as she does not have a website and all I want in return are candles lol. Wish me luck!
At any rate back to my collections..tonite I came across a candle store(while looking for some primitives websets) that not only has candles but they do scented bears!!!!!!! My two favorite things. (will splain the bears later lol).THey are not toys nor do you burn them so am going to have to order one and see how they are but will try to post pics if blogger lets me(it's being a pita for some reason tonite!) and the site for anyone else interested. I just think they are so adorable! The price seems good as well! IF I get one will let ya all know my opinion if it matters :-).
Site is called Simply Charming Boutique

Let's see what else ..oh yeah I ordered some cute little brass charms the other day from A Charming Place and they came today. They are so inexpensive and so cute that even tho I am not a paper scrapper I do make cards from time to time and love charms hanging on my candles or my watches and bracelets so figured at the prices I would try them out. They came today and I am just tickeled with them. They are tiny but you can see the detail well in each one ..I got a few of the fireman ones as my son is a captain for the city fire dept and have some photos and layouts of him to do. Just thought if any of you love things like this you may want to check it out as the service was fast and the prices are great!

Ok I really have rambled way too long tonite and need to be up early to keep Miss Wiggle Butt in the morning :-) plus its storming and not happy being on here when it is lightening so much.
Have a great day!