"If I had only one thing to tell the world,it would be to love.
Blessed are those who understand what miracles love can accomplish, for it is the power of love that makes all dreams a reality."
---Music Composer/Perfomer Medhi

Monday, April 24, 2006

Piracy and whining

Just a reminder for new people and oldbies too! Remember just because it's free does not give you the right to resend it to someone else! DO THE RIGHT THING---Send your friend to the site to sign up and get it or buy it themselves! If it's a case of you wanting to gift them then get them a gift certificate or contact the designer and ask them for a way to purchase it for them to use without it looking like piracy! I had a super designer get back to me and she said if I give her the email of the person I wanted to gift she would email them with a link so they would get it and there would be no question!
(cannot remember who made this logo but ty for sharing it. If you know please let me know!)


That's just plain tired! I am whiney and tired and just feel like crap today. I know some of it is weather related as fell asleep with the window open all nite and woke up and just ached all over with the damp and chill in the air. Then I had also managed to twist the tube on my CPAP machine under my neck and laid on it apparently most of the nite so have a dent in my neck and it feels like there is clamp there inside and just plain hurts. I can't descibe it just that it made me dizzy and naseauted when I turned my head for a few hours. AND the TV remote also managed to find its way under my chest when I rolled over and it's imprint on one of the girls! NOT FUN! shhhhhh lol funny but not fun! I was on a roll getting my stuff out to Digitals for the Featured and was so stoked on it and need to get so much more done for both there and DID and UT and while they are all started I am just feeling so wiped out again tonite I can't look at them. I know mentally I am exhausted with worry over Roy and that adds to it I am sure. Sorry but sometimes I gotta whine lol so its my blog and am gonna whine hahahaha!

On a really kewl note I was asked to join someplace as a designer and it is an awsome offer (can't say anymore right now) and I don't have to give up where I am already so am thinking on that one as it really is an offer I would love to take them up on. Wish me luck on the thought process! Alot of things weigh in on what I decide to do and am too tired tonite to examine all the pros and cons lol. I have no plans to leave where I am so it is a plus if I am told I can stay put. I had other offers but would have had to leave my "homes" and that is just something I am not wanting to do. Right now the timing is off some as still have to finish up getting on board at 3Scrapateers but with all that happened with Roy etc I am like wayyyyyyyyyy behind on everything cept Digitals which I caught up I think yesterday finally.

Ok this chickee has rambled quite enuf for the whiney mode sorry!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope ya all have a good week


Stephanie said...

Just wanted to say THANKS for posting a comment on my blog!
Thought I'd return the favor!
Your kits look awesome!
off to check them out closer!!